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So what do you mean by sexual health?
You said it's not just sex. It's about relationships, communication, pleasure, safety, and feeling good about the choices you make. It's about feeling confident in yourself to say yes, no or later.
What's happening?
Of those we asked:
- 24% have no sexual experiences
- 22% are masturbating
- 39% are kissing, dry humping, fingering, and giving or receiving hand jobs
- 26% are giving or receiving oral sex
- 30% have vaginal or anal sex
When you have sex you want it to be good
- Sex is hotter when you don't have to worry about STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections), HIV/AIDS or pregnancy the next day.
- Hot sex is when both people agree to it and want it.
- There are many types of birth control to avoid pregnancy.
- Only condoms prevent STIs or HIV/AIDS.
- Use condoms for anal and vaginal sex.
Check your stereotypes
- Guys do want to learn about healthy relationships.
- Youth of all faiths - Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist and others - told us they have sex.
- Lots of youth - gay and straight - are having anal sex.
- No matter who you are, it's normal to masturbate.
Sexual Identity
Lots of people are unsure about their sexuality.
It's hard to know who you'll be attracted to.
- 3% of youth told us they are questioning their sexuality.
- 4% of youth identified as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Two-Spirited, Pansexual or Queer.
- 93% of youth identified as straight (heterosexual).
What about pregnancy?
Of those we asked:
- 8% of girls had gotten pregnant.
- 6% of guys had gotten someone pregnant.
- 8% of girls had gone to a clinic for emergency contraception (a.k.a. morning after pill).
- 3% of girls have had an abortion.
- 65% of youth learned about pregnancy in school.
Where have you been getting sex info?
Of those we asked:
- 62% of girls and 41% of guys get sex info from their friends.
- 48% of girls and 37% of guys are getting sex info from teachers, doctors, nurses, and other professionals.
- 31% of girls and 23% of guys are getting sex info online.
Where are you getting sex education?
- Only 62% of you told us you got sex ed. in elementary or high school.
- 7% told us you never got sex ed. anywhere.
- If you aren't getting what you need in school call one of the numbers below to get the facts you need about sex and health.
- What do you know about HIV/AIDS?
- Lots! 78% of you learned about HIV in school and many of you want to learn more.
- 8% of you have already gotten tested at least once.
- Did you know you can get an anonymous HIV test at many clinics?
(anonymous means you don't have to use your real name or provide your Health Card) |
What is STI and HIV testing?
Things have changed a lot. Gone are the days of painful testing.
For guys it's as easy as peeing in a cup and having a little blood taken.
For girls it's as easy as a swab and having a little blood taken.
Many STIs show no symptoms. Most STIs can be treated or cured.
Get tested - get your results.
Sexual Health Clinics offer:
- free and confidential services
- information so that you can make an informed choice
- HIV, STI tests and treatment
- free condoms, low cost birth control options and Emergency Contraceptive Pills
- pregnancy testing and referrals
- sexuality and relationship counselling
23% of you have already gone to a Sexual Health Clinic for one of these reasons.
What do you want from
a Sexual Health Clinic?
"a confidential clinic" (confidential means private, no one else knows about it, not your parents, not your friends)
"to feel comfortable asking questions"
"to see someone who is not judgmental"
"a location that is easy to get to"
"a place that will see me without a Health Card"
"an accessible clinic - I use a wheelchair"
All sexual health clinics are free and confidential; sometimes you don't need a Health Card.
You can come by yourself, or bring someone you feel safe with.
Call ahead and ask if your sexual health clinic can give you what you want. Call one of the numbers below and we'll hook you up with a clinic close to you.
This one's for the guys
- Only 41% of guys told us you have had sex.
- If you are having sex visit a clinic to learn more about how to stay healthy
- Try on different condoms to see what fits.
- To get comfortable with condoms - practice using them while masturbating.
- If you haven't been using condoms, it's never too late to start.
This one's for the girls
- Some girls don't feel comfortable talking about sex, 32% of girls told us you are having sex.
- If you are having sex, condoms can protect you from STIs, HIV/AIDS and unwanted pregnancy.
- It's okay to have sex, own your power, play safe.